Our mission, goals and foundations

The Mission

By encouraging the scientific and technical progress to provide professional legal representation for you as an investor or for your company in the field of commercial law and intellectual property protection and the competent defense of your interests.

PravUM is a legal firm incorporated by the experienced lawyers who have been practicing several years in the field of commercial law and legal protection of intellectual property, and who protect interests of principals in the patent agency, the tax and customs services and in courts. We never worked in the patent agency or its divisions, or in any other governmental agencies, and we only respect the law.


The Principles

The rule of law, and confidentiality, honesty and innovativeness form the basis of our company and together they make the principle of work.

Confidentiality and professional secret of the attorney is the first principle in our work

For the commercial right (economic law) frequently involves trade secret and the objects of intellectual property have no material form, therefore their security and protection appears to be difficult in case if information about them had been disclosed to the third parties. For example, information disclosed to competitors before acquisition of legal protection in the patent agency can damage successful promotion of new commodities of the company and entail heavy losses.
We keep confidential all the information about circumstances and facts which the client has disclosed to us or which have become known to us during the provision of services. We guarantee confidentiality. However we shall have the right to use the disclosed information without sanction of the principal, but to the extent that we only request for the protection of rights of the principal.


The rule of law and sincere respect for the law make one of key principles in our work

Ius est ars boni et aequi (Law is the art of the good and the fair)

The rule of law is a basis of normal life of a civilized society, equality of citizens before the law. And the signs of the rule of law are universality and indissoluble connection with the law.

Our lawyers strictly obey the laws and lawful requirements of governmental bodies and officials who enforce the law. However, intellectual property is a sphere of legal relationships in which any application of rules of law depends on the discretion and moral beliefs of relevant officials, and as a result the principle of law becomes trampled. Definition of similarity of different trademarks, ability or inability of a mark to differentiate the same-kind commodities from different manufacturers, these are typical situations in our work.

Our lawyers try to avoid litigation as many times we have witnessed the situations when even obvious facts were rejected in court. Reasons of court are always clear to us, but incomprehensible to the clients from the far-abroad countries and thus the reputation of our company can be damaged.

As a result of provision of services we implement a comprehensive analysis of situation and try to foresee all possible scenarios. On the basis of our final statement and recommendations the client decides on whether it is reasonable to take the risk taking into account the client’s economic situation.

We never take a case because of fees only. PravUM represents socially responsible business. We believe that we are paid for doing our best efforts to obtain a really achievable result.


Innovativeness is the third principle in our work

Innovativeness of our company implies the well-timed response to the present-day market demands and the competitive advantages we provide due to continuous updating of technologies and knowledge and skills of our experts. Every day our experts have to face difficult non-standard tasks. We encourage our employees personally for the solution of apparently insolvable problems, revealing of legal gaps and loopholes, finding exceptions to the rules. “Learning is the studying of rules; practice is the studying of exceptions to the rules”.
We accumulate all and any innovations in the field of commercial right and intellectual property, and our achievements in the field of legal services and quality management of the firm as the most valuable intellectual asset of PravUM.


Honesty is the most important principle in our work

We do not promise the moon and do not delude our clients by promising successful finals and solutions to all problems. In many cases victory in court does not restore the infringed rights, and sometimes the win is impossible. Our task is to find the maximum allowable solution to legal problem. It is our task to foresee the fullest of the advantages, risks and consequences, and based on the data the principal defines further steps in business.

We love our work and take proud of our profession. We are a team of experts extremely devoted to the business. We value our reputation and put honesty as a basis of our work. We find moral satisfaction in interesting cases. Of course our firm is a commercial institution and profit is our main objective. But there are cases which give invaluable experience, or cases which comprise manifest injustice. In such cases, if our client is unable to pay regular fee or does not want to pay due to big risk of rejection of claims, we show flexibility in the establishment of fees and payment procedures. And indeed, the flexibility of pricing, attention to all principals and cases, social ease – these are the typical signs of a young firm including ours.

We shall adhere to the above-stated principles in work with any clients irrespective of their status and financial situation.


Yours faithfully,
Aleksei M. Vandaev
Patent attorney of Kirghiz Republic,
Partner of company


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